Die vierköpfige Marburger Metalcore/Hardcore-Band „Haunt the City“ veröffentlichte kürzlich die erste Single von der bald erscheinenden EP.
Die Single hört auf den Namen „Uncertainty“ und ist der erste offizielle Ableger der ersten Scheibe „lost in a place no one is able to find“. Zeitgleich mit dem neuen Song ging auch der offizielle Merchshop der Band online! Dort bekommt ihr neben schicken Shirts sicher bald auch die erste CD der Jungs! Also schaut dort vorbei und unterstützt die Truppe.
Facebook-Seite der Band: https://www.facebook.com/hauntthecity
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I am standing here in the dark , not sure for how long.
To find what i am looking for i have to doubt everything.
Please somebody tell me what this means.
Tell me can i fight the surrounding darkness?
It feels like i am not free.
Is there a way to set me free?
It feels like i am not free.
Is there a way to set me free?
How can i defeat my overwhelming demand?
i am getting afraid , more and more
Should i tread this path?
Is there a way out at all?
I have to make a decision.
I am standing here in the dark , not sure for how long.
To find what i am looking for i have to question everything.
Please somebody show me the unseen.
Tell me can i fight the surrounding darkness?
Running into the unknwown or straying in uncertainty
Haunted by a nightmare, i am trying to escape
Where is the bright light which will fill this place.
Give me the keys to these locked doors.
Let me know what is on the other side
Lost in a place no one is able to find
I am lost in a place no one is able to find